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http://www.100md.com 2006年3月21日 《经络学2》

     《灵枢·经脉》:胃足阳明之脉:起于鼻,交頞中,旁约太阳之脉,下循鼻外,入上齿中,还出挟口,环唇,下交承浆,却循颐后下廉,出大迎,循颊车 ,上耳前,过客主人,循发际,至额颅。



    其支者:起于胃口,下循腹里,下至气街中而合。——以下髀关,抵伏兔 ,下膝髌中,下循胫外廉,下足跗,入中指内间。



    The Stomach Meridian starts from the lateral side of ala nosi. It ascends to the bridge of the nose, where it meets the Bladder Meridian,turning downward along the lateral side of the nose, it enters the upper gum. Reemerging, it curves round the lips, descends to meet Chengjiang(CV24), then it runs posterior laterally across the lower position of the cheek at Daying(ST5). Winding along the angle of the mandible-Jiache, it ascends in front of the ear and traverses Shangguan(GB3) then it follows the anterior hairline, and reaches the fore head.

    The branch emerging in front of Daying(ST5) runs downwards to Renying(ST9), it goes along the throat and enters the supraclavicular fossa. Descending, it passes through the diaphragm, enters the stomach, the pertaining organ, and meets the spleen. ......

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